Higher education needs a smarter incident response solution. We’ve built it.

Backed by over three decades of leading institutional response expertise, Meyestro efficiently orchestrates centralized and coordinated incident response management and reporting.

The demand has never been higher for institutions to expertly respond to incidents of sexual misconduct and other forms of discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, while ensuring the protection of minors.

Enterprise risk management and compliance systems face unprecedented strain.

New risks constantly emerge
  • Evolving expectations and awareness around sex, gender, and bias issues
  • Increased stakeholder activism
  • Increased government regulation at all levels, including Title IX, Title VII, Clery Act, youth protection, and other state and local laws and regulations

Regulatory requirements and business pressures demand pan-institutional coordination and oversight.

Incumbent systems do not bridge the gaps
  • Operational silos and allocation of responsibilities across functions (Title IX, Clery, Public Safety/Security, HR, Student Affairs, Compliance, etc.)
  • Uncaptured and inaccessible data
  • Impaired management visibility
  • Inconsistency, inefficiency, and high cost of reporting
  • Increasing insurance rates and difficulty obtaining coverage

Stakeholders see systemic limitations as evidence of lack of care for constituencies.

Perceived missteps can be extremely costly
  • Governmental investigations
  • Findings of noncompliance
  • Litigation
  • Harm to institutional values and integrity

Meyestro is the solution for efficient compliance and competent care.

Designed for colleges, universities, and other educational and child-serving institutions, Meyestro is the industry’s first truly Centralized Incident Response Management (CIRM™) system. This software platform places powerful tools in the hands of first-line responders, divisional managers, and senior leadership to harmonize institutional values and expert compliance.

Now institutions can comply efficiently and confidently with internal policies and external regulations while demonstrating responsive and informed care for their communities.


Precise and efficient capture of data conforming to the applicable regulatory and policy environments and reducing subjective variability around data entry


Centralized incident awareness and tracking for real-time status updates and climate and issue monitoring


Easy access to data and automated generation of customizable reports for internal management and external reporting


Coordinated incident response management across intersecting laws, regulations, effective practices, and institutional policies and procedures, bridging departments and operational silos


Modeling of effective practices and data-informed training, trend analysis, systems remediation, and resource allocation

Features defined and refined by experience.

Meyestro brings an unrivaled set of features, expertise, and insight to Title IX, Clery Act, protection of minors, and related pan-institutional compliance functions.

  • Management dashboards

  • Embedded and updated law, policy, and guidance

  • Workflow pathways, next-step prompts, and decision trees

  • Process and data validation

  • Response coordination and sequencing across all departments/functions

  • Coordination of support for involved parties

  • Communication with involved parties and third parties

  • Instant notification for team members

  • Forensic audit trail

  • E-mail integration

  • Mobile app version for iOS and Android

Backed by expertise. Driven by compassion.

Meyestro is the brainchild of Gina Maisto Smith — the preeminent expert in institutional response to sexual and gender-based misconduct, and founder and chair of Cozen O’Connor’s industry-first Institutional Response Group.

The Meyestro team has digitally consolidated Gina’s expertise and vision of efficient compliance and competent care into software built with higher education and K-12 institutions and users in mind.

Applying unrivaled domain expertise through a powerful digital platform, Meyestro helps institutions efficiently orchestrate competent, coordinated, confident, and caring compliance to better serve all their stakeholders.

Contact us today.

Our team is ready to answer your questions about Meyestro, whether you are looking to achieve world-class incident response management, or you are an existing customer who needs technical support.

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